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Pogo Family Feud Answers. Below are answers to Pogo. Family Feud game. Each time you play a game of Family Feud (consisting of 4 rounds and Fast Money) at Pogo you receive one of several different games currently available. The questions and answers below are grouped by answer set, so when you receive the first question of your game, click the Menu button in the lower left corner of the game screen to pause the game. Find the first question below and click on it to see all of the answers for that game.

Resume playing and receive perfect scores every time. Share this page with your Pogo friends in chat –tell them to go to: badgehungry. After how many days do your in- laws wear out their welcome?

After the bills have been paid name something families do with the money left over. After their parents say no name something kids do to get what they want. If an Elvis impersonator had a rummage sale what would you expect to find there? Name a Christmas movie that families might watch together. Name a day of the year when most people call home.

Patty Jenkins is sealing a deal come back in the director's chair for 'Wonder Woman 2' to become highest-paid female director in Hollywood. Charlie Pierce on all this ESPN nonsense and newspapering and what not is so fantastic and I’m bitter we didn’t run it. Go check it out. [SI]. The Beach Boys were one of America's finest goodtime harmony pop-surf-rock bands, climbing to the top of the early `60s charts on the strength of such hits as "Surfin.

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Name a day of the year when most people call home. Name a downside to being the youngest child in a big family. Name a food that kids want their own of even if they can’t finish the whole thing. Name a job around the house that parents might expect their daughter to do. Name a musical instrument that sounds terrible when someone’s learning to play it.

Name a place where adults go to relax while kids go to play. Name a public place where only the world’s least romantic guy would propose. Name a relative you only see during the holidays. Name a specific reason kids give for not wanting to eat a vegetable. Name a specific type of family function that your partner doesn’t always want to attend. Name a talent that it’s painful to watch an amateur do.

Name a type of cookie that Mom has a favorite recipe for. Name a type of “house” kids have that a family couldn’t live in permanently. Name a way that you can identify the school bully. Name an activity people only do when they have kids. Name an adult that a child might know by name other than parents or relatives. Name an occupation that should only be done by very smart people. Name one word that you always see on the covers of celebrity magazines.

Name something a country western singer sings about but a rapper wouldn’t. Name something a kid might do at the dinner table that would get him in trouble. Name something a kid would do after school to make an extra buck.

Name something a man says he’s great at when he’s actually just OK. Name something a mom would be really embarrassed to have her child do in front of grandma. Name something a rookie police officer would be embarrassed to admit he misplaced. Name something a stay- at- home parent does while the kids are napping. Name something a teenager is more likely to have on their body than their grandparent. Name something a teen girl might ask her mom to stay out of. Name something a woman might wish her husband had more of. Season 3 Online Scandal.

Name something about which people always want to give you their opinion. Name something both adults and kids do to get into trouble with their parents. Name something embarrassing that can happen if you laugh too hard. Name something embarrassing that parents have video of their kids doing.

Name something expensive that a teenager might ask her parents for. Name something in your house that might get broken during a wild party.

Deuce Of Spades Movie Watch Online

Name something kids do just to get their parent’s attention. Name something kids might have to wait for before they can open gifts on Christmas morning. Name something kids start to care more about once they’re teenagers. Name something many parents want their kids home at a certain time for. Name something specific that moms are always telling their kids to put on.

Name something specific you hope your kids do when they’re guests at someone else’s house. Name something teens do to butter their parents up before asking for a favor. Name something that a child from a large family never has to herself. Name something that always makes you feel better when you’re lonely. Name something that might keep new parents awake at night. Name something that most children can operate better than their parents. Name something that people like to show off.

Adventure Log. View newest to oldest 04/13/09 - "Homestuck" 04/13/09 - "Enter name." 04/13/09 - "Try again.".

Name something that people try to squeeze themselves into. Be specific. Name something that your kids might do before asking you for a favor.

Name something there are seven of. Name something you swear you’re better at when no one’s watching. Name something you wish your relatives would stop asking you about.

No matter what your age name something that can make you feel like a kid again. Tell me a dream job that you wanted as a kid and still want today. Tell me a type of public place that always overuses their air conditioning. Tell me something about a boy’s appearance that might make his date’s father disapprove of him. Tell me something that kids brag about regarding their fathers. Tell me the age at which a kid no longer wants to be seen with his parents. What are common rules babysitters break?

What is the first word many babies say? What would you hate to learn that you did after a couple of drinks at the office party? When someone gets a case of the giggles name something they blame it on. When traveling in a foreign country name something you’d hate to forget the word for. Which extra piece of clothing might be worn to a strip poker game…? Which job would a boy love for his dad to have on take- your- child- to- work day? While in flight what would you hate to see the pilot doing instead of flying the plane?

Answer Set 1. Tell me a type of public place that always overuses their air conditioning. HOSPITAL 2. 5RESTAURANT 2. LIBRARY 1. 7STORE 1. MOVIE THEATER 9. SCHOOL 8. HOTEL 6. Name a command on your remote control that you wish you could use in your daily life. MUTE/ VOLUME 3. 3PAUSE 2.

REWIND 1. 6STOP 6. FAST FORWARD 6. OFF/ POWER 5. What can you do to get shown on the Jumbo Screen at a football game?

PROPOSE 3. 6DANCE 2. STREAK 1. 9COSTUME/ PAINT 1. WAVE 6. Name a reason why someone might avoid their high school reunion. GAINED WEIGHT 5. 8NO JOB 1. NO FRIENDS/TEASED 9.

EX IS THERE 6. Name a food served in an elementary school cafeteria. PIZZA 4. 6MEATLOAF 2. JELL- O 1. 0FRIES 7. CHICKEN NUGGETS 4. HOT DOGS 3. HAMBURGERS 3. To stay undercover what might a criminal have that’s fake?

ID 4. 9HAIR 1. 9NAME 1. FACIAL HAIR 1. 0GLASSES 3. Name a reason a model may be told not to smile.

BAD TEETH 6. 5SERIOUS PHOTO 2. CAUSES WRINKLES 4. Name a place where you’d be mortified if your cell phone rung. CHURCH 3. 9FUNERAL 3.

MOVIES 7. WEDDING 4. JOB INTERVIEW 4. What weather condition might a meteorologist have trouble pronouncing? TSUNAMI 3. 1TORNADO 2. HURRICANE 2. 6TYPHOON 7. PRECIPITATION 7back to top. Answer Set 2. Name a musical instrument that sounds terrible when someone’s learning to play it.


TUBA 7. PIANO 6. DRUMS 6. Tell me something a recipe instructs you to do that sounds violent. BEAT 4. 3WHIP 3. 1POUND 1.

CHOP 4. MASH 3. GRIND 3. Name something you do for regular photos but not while posing for a driver’s license. SMILE 5. 8POSE 2. Survivor Season 1 Episode 1 Online. DRESS UP 6. STICK OUT TONGUE 4. MAKE FACES 4. Name a physical feature that makes it obvious two people are related. EYES 3. 8NOSE 2. 6HAIR 2. SMILE 7. Name a class offered at gyms now that wasn’t offered 2.

YOGA 4. 4SPINNING 2. PILATES 1. 8DANCE WORKOUT 6. TAE BO 3. Name something SPECIFIC you would try to hide if you were in a police line- up. TATTOO 3. 2EYES 3.

SCAR 2. 5HEIGHT 6. HANDS 5. Name an occasion for which you might rehearse a phone call before making it. DATE 4. 2JOB INTERVIEW 2. BREAK UP 2. 6Name a sport that parents would worry about their child participating in. AMERICAN FOOTBALL 5. HOCKEY 1. 6RUGBY 1. BOXING 9. WRESTLING 8.

Name an article of clothing that you don’t need a dressing room to try on. JACKET 4. 6FOOTWEAR 2. HAT 1. 9SCARF/TIE 7. BELT 5back to top.

Answer Set 3. If an Elvis impersonator had a rummage sale what would you expect to find there? WIG/SIDEBURNS 4. 1GUITAR 3.

BL Magazine Issue 5. May/June 2. 01. 7 by BL Magazine. BL Magazine Issue 5. May/June 2. 01. 7   Published on May 5, 2.

Not only is this issue our annual Wealth Edition, it’s also our 5.