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Aesthetica Short Film Festival 2. Official Programme by Aesthetica Magazine. Aesthetica Short Film Festival 2. Official Programme   Published on Sep 2.

Watch Housebound Online Mic

116 kilo singleton, 30, left housebound because of her 'frumpy' frame sheds HALF her weight after ditching her pizza-a-day habit and says 'I can't wait to find love'. Here's our pick of events, clubs, gigs, comedy, arts and theatre for the weekend and week ahead.

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The best part of parenting (so far)? Helping your kids overcome things you struggled with. It’s at least in the top 5. Last Saturday my daughter came home from. Kids are always quick to make fun of their parents. I prefer them to be laughing and taking the mickey out of their mother these days. Watching me struggle a bit.

Mail. Online - Ask Jane Felstead. So that’s Easter’s over! Gone in a flash - and I’m now hopeful of a bit of sunburn before John Lewis get their Christmas lights up.

I had a lovely time actually, and although I sit and moan about - well pretty much everything really - the truth is I had far too much chocolate and a great many laughs. Maybe not what Easter’s all about - but at my age you have to take the good things in life and massively overdo them whenever possible and pay absolutely no attention to the consequences (which are at the moment hanging over the top of my jeans). I remember when I was a little girl my lovely father insisting my mother buy me an Easter bonnet.

She never did of course as she knew there was no chance I’d wear it, but he, being so much older, remembered the good old days when girls did - and it was all green fields, flowery dresses, sunshine and egg hunts (with absolutely no big white fluffy bunnies, terribly American he would say). He told me to watch throughout my life and notice the fact that it never rained on Good Friday.

Of course, being an obnoxious barely female thug I would pray for rain just to prove him wrong, and when I struck lucky and the grey skies opened for the rain to lash the windows I was joyous! I’d say 'see, you’re wrong!' (worryingly I liked pointing that out to men even then) and he would raise his eyes saying ‘Don’t be ridiculous… nothing more than Angels' tears!’I’m now hopeful of a bit of sunburn before John Lewis get their Christmas lights up. He must have had some faith to say this, although he wasn’t a particularly religious man - in fact he insisted on having a non- religious funeral.

Watch Housebound Online Mic

Put me on a boat,' he’d say. Send me out to sea - I want a Vikings funeral!'For a wonderful old chap from London, he did have delusions of grandeur! Nothing was worth doing unless you could overdo it - and thank heavens that's another lesson of his I’ve taken on board! He said that these events in the year should be observed and celebrated by gathering all the ones that mean something to you, close. Use them to reconnect and enjoy. Summer is on it’s way and no matter what anyone does we can all go forward with some optimism.

Thankfully all the angels round my neck of the woods this weekend were on pretty good form, and apart from falling out of a hammock nothing in my world really went wrong. I was either with, or (remembering his advice) spoke to everyone I love. So let me just raise a glass to you all and wish you the beginnings of a very happy summer. I know the world is full of misguided wannabe leaders - and a few total idiots who ARE leaders - but let's remember my dear old father's words: ‘Drink up darling - everything’s going to be wonderful!’Belated Easter greetings and warm wishes.

Lets get on the diets for a day or two, forget them - and then buy bigger swimsuits! Let’s get fake tans - and make plans to lie on a beach somewhere.

We can all be jolly - so lets make our minds up to be just that! XJane - I am drowning.. I'm a military wife. Me and my husband have been together for 8 years, married for 2 and have a 3 year old son together. I am only 2. 2 years of age, I wasn't ready to become a mother as I was terrified of being alone. I gave up my job, university, acting career, friends, family, my whole life to travel around with my husband.

He recently left me for another woman and I found out he had introduced her to my son quite some time ago too and that my in laws were aware. It's been 3 months since I found out and I am still as broken as I was on the very day.

I am embarrassing myself contacting him daily trying to remind him of us and our relationship (which was perfect). I am struggling to the point where I have been in hospital several times for attempts on my life. My worst nightmare has come true as I now have nothing of my own. I've been asked to leave our military home and although I've rented a house, I am desperately struggling with bills and providing for my child.

We just moved back from an overseas posting so I have no job and I am struggling to get one to fit around the nursery hours I can afford for my son. Worst of all, I don't know how to let go of my husband and be a good mother to my son. I'm a 2. 2 soon to be divorced single parent of a 3 year old and I'm desperately drowning. I see you give your children such good advice and I am not close to my family so this is really just a desperate attempt to get some impartial advice.

Jane says.. First and foremost I must tell you how sorry I am all of this has happened to you. Now I want to say to you that I know all looks very bleak, but I have to ask you to take a leap of faith and listen to what I’m going to say..

You know sometimes people go through the most awful times. Often young they have burdens that nobody would believe they could survive - but they do. I believe this is because that somewhere deep in our soul we are stronger that we could ever believe. Sometimes it’s only when it gets really bad and you don’t think you can take much more - you suddenly find you can. One foot in front of the other every day. One breath after another and life goes on - and what you need to KNOW right now is that, believe it or not, you are going to be alright.

Easier to say than do I know - but do try not to keep contacting your husband. This will only depress you on a daily basis. Try to find some positives in this situation. One is that you are still very young and have your whole life ahead of you to find and start again with a lovely kind man - and find a life, and interests. I hear from women all the time who are in their 5. Not nearly so easy then to find a mate and start again - but your future is so much brighter. You are clearly intelligent - I can tell this by the way this letter is written.

Once you’re further on the path to your future you can do a Uni degree, and find yourself a lovely job and interests. You have a young son who you must totally focus on right now. When you do this and totally put him first come hell or high water it gives you a reason to continue - every day. Seek help from whatever professionals you can.

I’m not sure about whether or not the army have financial schemes to look after families who find themselves in difficulty, but a trip to the CAB would be worth considering just to find out more. Enlist the help of your doctor. They are bound by oath to secrecy so you can relax, and accept any - short term even - help to just tide you over while you gather your strength.

Do not feel any type of guilt for anything - ever - and don’t hold back from embracing a new area and potential new friends. Watch Nothing Like The Holidays Tube Free. You may be scared at the moment - but believe me there are many out there who will -  having been through much themselves - understand, and they will help you - it's  a question of getting settled and seeking help. Darling girl, your future is ahead of you, and who knows what wonderful things will come into you life once you’ve dealt with this rubbish - and started again. Very often our hardest life lessons begin when we are young - but those lessons well learned clear the path for wonderful new beginnings - you just have to seek help, and believe in the future, for you both. Good luck and please don’t hesitate to contact me again - I’m always here.