Watch National Geographic: CIA Secret Experiments Tube Free


Human rights violations by the CIAThis article deals with those activities of the Central Intelligence Agency that violate human rights. General principleseditIn 2. Patricia Derian, who served as Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights in the Carter Administration wrote, Through these U. S. military and intelligence agencies the United States government is sending a dangerous and double message. If this continues, it will subvert our entire human rights policy. In understanding the CIAs role in human rights, there are challenging problems of ethics. John R. Stockwell, a CIA officer who left the Agency and became a public critic, said of the CIA field officers They dont meet the death squads on the streets where theyre actually chopping up people or laying them down on the street and running trucks over their heads. The CIA people in San Salvador meet the police chiefs, and the people who run the death squads, and they do liaise with them, they meet them beside the swimming pool of the villas. A lawsuit against two former Air Force psychologists who developed the CIAs postSeptember 11, 2001 enhanced interrogation torture techniques, James Mitchell. Watch National Geographic: CIA Secret Experiments Tube Free' title='Watch National Geographic: CIA Secret Experiments Tube Free' />And its a sophisticated, civilized kind of relationship. And they talk about their children, who are going to school at UCLA or Harvard and other schools, and they dont talk about the horrors of whats being done. They pretend like it isnt true. Florencio Caballero, a former Honduran Army interrogator, said that he had been trained by the Central Intelligence Agency, which the New York Times confirmed with US and Honduran officials. Much of his account was confirmed by three American and two Honduran officials, and may be the fullest given of how army and police units were authorized to organize death squads that seized, interrogated and killed suspected leftists. He said that while Argentine and Chilean trainers taught the Honduran Army kidnapping and elimination techniques, the CIA explicitly forbade the use of physical torture or assassination. Caballero described the CIA role as ambiguous. Caballero said his superior officers ordered him and other members of army intelligence units to conceal their participation in death squads from CIA advisers. He added that he was sent to Houston for six months in 1. The dog days of summer are here, so shouldnt astronauts hurtling through space get to enjoy some Earthly delights Today, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will launch some. To view the festivities tubefree without relying on a sketchy illegal stream, youll need to sign up for CBS All Access, or download the CBS Full Episodes and. This article deals with those activities of the Central Intelligence Agency that violate human rights. The literal definition of the word is secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose. When it comes to competition and antitrust. CIA instructors in interrogation techniques. They prepared me in interrogation to end the use of physical torture in Honduras they taught psychological methods, Mr. Caballero said of his American training. So when we had someone important, we hid him from the Americans, interrogated him ourselves and then gave him to a death squad to kill. Torture and renditioneditIt is widely accepted that the CIA has both directly engaged in the torture of detainees at CIA run black sites456 and has sent detainees to be tortured by friendly governments in a manner contravening both US and international law. The existence of black sites was first published by The Washington Post in November 2. NGOs. 1. 1US President. George W. Bush acknowledged the existence of secret prisons operated by the CIA during a speech on 6 September 2. Administration officials such as Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Yoo1. Alan Dershowitz1. Torture techniqueseditThere are balancing assertions that CIA personnel attempted to minimize abuses by foreign governments who practiced torture before any involvement with CIA. There is evidence that CIA has funded academic research, unwitting in some cases, which was then used to develop harsh interrogation techniques. ABC News Stacy Chen takes us behind the scenes of the organization, which delivers ugly produce that doesnt make it to markets and grocery stores. Enhanced interrogation techniqueseditFrom 2. War on Terror, CIA personnel employed so called Enhanced interrogation techniques, a variety of coercive and abusive interrogation techniques that are widely judged to constitute torture. Various officials of the George W. Bush administration have argued that harsh techniques such as waterboarding are not torture, or the end objectives of the War against Terror justify those means. Watch National Geographic: CIA Secret Experiments Tube Free' title='Watch National Geographic: CIA Secret Experiments Tube Free' />Watch National Geographic: CIA Secret Experiments Tube FreeThere has been considerable domestic and international protest against these practices. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture, Human Rights Watch, and American legal scholars have called for the prosecution of Bush administration officials who ordered torture, conspired to provide legal cover for torture, and CIA and Do. D personnel and contract workers who carried it out. Torture and harsh imprisonment accusations as well as documented examples were not limited to the recent War on Terror. Yuri Nosenko, a Soviet. KGB defector, was held in stark conditions of solitary confinement in a clandestine CIA facility in the continental US for over three years. WaterboardingeditWaterboarding is a method that gives the subject the sensation of drowning, and may cause permanent damage to the lungs and other parts of the body. Some individuals being waterboarded, who may have had preexisting cardiac or respiratory disease, died under the method. For example, the CIA used waterboarding, and other interrogation techniques against three suspected Al Quaeda members, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Abu Zubaydah and Abd al Rahim al Nashiri. Finding of War Crimes culpabilityeditIn 2. Red Cross investigators concluded in a secret report that the Central Intelligence Agencys interrogation methods for high level al Qaeda prisoners constituted torture which could make the Bush administration officials who approved them guilty of war crimes, according to the book Dark Side The Inside Story of How the War on Terror Turned Into a War on American Ideals, by Jane Mayer a journalist for The New Yorker. According to the book, the report of the International Committee of the Red Cross found that the methods used on Abu Zubaydah, the first major al Qaeda figure captured by the United States, were categorically torture, which is illegal under both United States law and international conventions to which the U. S. is a party. A copy of the report was given to the CIA in 2. For example, the book states that Abu Zubaydah was confined in a box so small he said he had to double up his limbs in the fetal position and was one of several prisoners to be slammed against the walls, according to the Red Cross report. The CIA has admitted that Abu Zubaydah and two other prisoners were waterboarded, a practice in which water is poured on the nose and mouth to create the sensation of suffocation and drowning. Training in tortureeditOn 2. January 1. 99. 7, two CIA manuals were declassified in response to a Freedom of Information Act FOIA request filed by the Baltimore Sun in 1. The first manual, KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation, dated July 1. The second manual, Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual 1. U. S. training courses conducted in Latin American countries, including Honduras, between 1. Both manuals deal exclusively with interrogation and have an entire chapter devoted to coercive techniques. These manuals recommend arresting suspects early in the morning by surprise, blindfolding them, and stripping them naked. Watch Cyberbully Hindi Full Movie. Interrogation rooms should be windowless, soundproof, dark and without toilets. Suspects should be held incommunicado and should be deprived of any kind of normal routine in eating and sleeping. The manuals describe coercive techniques to be used to induce psychological regression in the subject by bringing a superior outside force to bear on his will to resist. While the US manuals contained coercive measures, they did not rise to the level of what is generally defined as torture. Torture, however, has been culturally a part of authoritarian South American governments, especially in 1. Dirty War and Chile under PinochetHuman rights violations. Argentina had learned such methods from the French in Operation Charly and its secret services trained the personnel of other South American countries. It is not clear to what extent agencies of the US government i. CIA, Defense, AID, and possibly State were aware of this, condoned it, or actively assisted it.